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Xaar Nitrox

Print fast. Print perfect.

Print almost anything.


With lightning speeds, printing at up to 48kHz



Unbeatable print uniformity with AcuChp Technology


Print almost anythingwidest range of fluids and operational modes



Go beyond with the Xaar Nitrox in any industry

1000 nozzles in 70mm width

Wide 70mm print swathe for high productivity and less printhead stitching. Native resolution of 360 nozzles per inch providing high quality single pass print

TF Technology recirculation

Xaar TF Technology ensures instant prime and startup as well as reliability, ease of use and excellent print quality

Print uniformity

Xaar’s  AcuChp Technology and TAM ensure uniformity across a single printhead and from one printhead to another

High Laydown Technology

Delivers very high volumes in single pass for coatings and structuring

Multiple print orientations

Prints reliably in vertical or horizontal modes, or dynamically on a robot arm

Sure Flow ultra-sonic self-cleaning

Clear and prevent nozzle blockages without the need to remove the printhead, maximising uptime for optimum productivity

Large pressure window

To print reliably in any orientation,  the nozzle pressure must be as stable as possible. The Xaar Nitrox has a very wide pressure window enabling dynamic printing in any orientation

TF Technology ink recirculation

Xaar’s unique TF Technology ink recirculation controls the pressure in the printhead

Fast recovery

If pressure limits are exceeded and jetting stops, thanks to TF Technology,  the ink flow through the printhead ensures a fast recovery without the need to stop printing

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