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Xaar Irix

Print with confidence


Exceptional print quality using our latest nozzle manufacturing techniques



Unparalleled print uniformity with AcuDrp technology


Wide operating window giving increased reliability and uptime



Simple to use and easy to integrate

Print accurately, print reliably, print easily.

Ultimate performance

Unparalleled drop placement accuracy and uniformity ensures excellent print quality, even at long print distances.

Compact & lightweight

High native resolution of 185 nozzles per inch providing high quality, single pass print. Small size, 17mm print width and a mass of just under 16g.

Simple to use and integrate

End shooter design requires simple gravity or vacuum fed ink supply. One electrical and fluidic connection. Prints reliably in vertical, horizontal or skyscraper modes.

Nozzle optimisation

Nozzles are individually lasered and optimised for dropplacement accuracy using Xaar’s latest manufacturing techniques.

Xaar’s AcuDrp Technology

Xaar’s AcuDrp Technology calibrates each individual nozzle for drop volume and velocity, giving unparalleled print uniformity across each and every printhead.

Optimised waveforms

Printhead drive signal tuned for optimal performance and reliability – making a wider operating window possible – regardless of fluid type, image type or print frequency.

Smart electronics

Only requires binary print data, clock, print trigger and power. Pre-configured waveform with internal temperature compensation.

Print at greater distances

An added benefit of the improved drop placement and uniformity of the Xaar Irix is its ability to print at higher print distances. 

  • The Xaar Irix Core can be printed up to 5mm print distance* 
  • The Xaar Irix Pro can be printed up to 10mm print distance*  
  • Printing at low print distance can lead to media clashes which can damage the printhead 
  • Printing at a high print distance significantly reduces the likelihood of media clashes, keeping the printhead running for longer
  • This is especially important in Coding & Marking applications where the product being printed (primary and secondary packaging) can vary greatly in size from part-to-part and across the part itself 

*Ink and application dependent

Advanced nozzle technology​


In-situ nozzle ablation

  • Nozzle ablation is the laser process that forms the nozzles in the nozzle plate on the printhead 
  • The Xaar Irix utilises in-situ nozzle ablation, where the nozzle plate is attached to the printhead before the nozzles are formed 
  • This ensures the nozzles are perfectly aligned to the channels in the actuator, which improves angular deviation and drop placement accuracy

Individual Nozzle Ablation

  • Nozzles are formed individually rather than in groups​
  • This ensures each nozzle has the correct geometry and produces the correct size drops at the correct velocity​

Significant improvement (>60%) in drop placement accuracy

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